Package Information and Resources

There are many ways to get more information on poetic, including official documentation, Github repository, docstrings, and built-in package information. This guide details some of these resources and how they can be best utilized.

GitHub Repository

The GitHub repository is where all the development and latest changes take place, and it is perhaps the best quickstart guide for those who have stumbled upon it.

The default branch is “dev”, which is often ahead of the stable release branches, and can be unstable or broken at times. To view the latest stable release codes, use the main branch. All branches with the name “maintenance/” are for patches and bug fixes for previous releases, such as v1.0.x.

Be sure to also check out our Issue Tracker and our new Discussion Page to get involved, report issues, request features, or to contribute.


Ta-da!!! You are already reading the official documentation. Congratulations!

The default link links to the latest stable release of poetic, which corresponds to the main branch on GitHub. To view specific versions of the documentation, select the corrresponding versions at the bottom left corner of the page (in green text).

Only the latest patch of each minor release will be viewable on our documentation page: for example, when v1.0.2 is out, its documentation page will replace that of v.1.0.1. All actively supported versions will have its documentation page active until they have reached EOL.

CLI Help

When using poetic on through the command-line interface (CLI), there are two options to get help and package versions. For more detailed decumentation on CLI, please see the “Command Line Interface (CLI)” section of the documentation.

To get help on the command-line arguments and flags, use the --help flag:

python -m poetic --help

The outputs of the --help flag are:

Poetry Predictor Command Line Mode

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-g, --GUI             Flag to launch GUI. No input needed.
                        A string to be parsed.
-f FILE, --File FILE  Plain text file to be parsed.
-o OUT, --Out OUT     Path to save results (txt or csv).
--version             show program's version number and exit

To get the version of the package:

python -m poetic --version

Info Class

Within the package, the Info class provides the basic information of the package, which is useful for obtaining the version and build status. This has to be used within python.


To get the version:

import poetic


Build status

To get the build status:

import poetic


All official, stable releases will have a build status of “Stable”.


All public modules, classes, methods, and specifically defined magic methods have a docstring. It serves as the lowest level documentation for poetic. There are two ways of accessing each docstring:

import poetic

# Docstring for the Predictor class

# OR:

All docstrings are also formated in the “Full Documentation” section of documentation.

Type Annotation

All functions and methods are type annotated. Although typing, along with dependencies, limit backwards compatibility of poetic, this will help with maintainability for developer and ease of use for end users.

Variables and attributes are not yet type annotated. This may be a feature to be considered in the future, when python 3.5 will no longer be supported.