Making Predictions

The most important functionality of poetic is the interface to make predictions using pretrained keras models. The Predictor class provides a simple-to-use, one-stop solution to predict how poetic any given input is and how much it resembles 18th- and 19th-century poetry if the default models are used.

This page documents the usage of the Predictor class along with common topics and examples.


The Predictor class requires instantiation to work properly since there are no utility functions or class methods in this class. To create an instance, simply use poetic.Predictor() becasue it is a package-level class:

import poetic

pred = poetic.Predictor()

In this example, all default parameters are used, and the default lexical model and dictionary will be loaded. There is not yet official support for custom model and dictionary. However, Predictor does accept previously loaded assets using either keras and gensim’s API or poetic’s Initializer class:

import poetic

model = poetic.util.Initializer.load_model()
dictionary = poetic.util.Initializer.load_dict()
pred = poetic.Predictor(model=model, dict=dictionary)

If the default models have not been downloaded from its GitHub repo, there is an option to override the user input prompt:

import poetic

pred = poetic.Predictor(force_download_assets=True)

Once a Predictor object is instantiated, it can be reused to make multiple predictions and to preprocess different inputs. No method will have meaningful side effects, although the tokenize() method modifies the internal _sentences, which temporarily stores the tokenized input and will be overridden with each subsequent operation. Therefore, a Predictor instance is fully reuable and safe.

Making Predictions

The Predictor allows users to make poetic predictons using either the predict() or the predict_file() method. All preprocessing steps are automatically handled without any need to manually clean inputs.

Prediction with Strings

To predict a string, use the predict() method of the Predictor instance. The input string can consist of multiple sentences, which are then tokenized by preprocessor. The longest supported sentence (after sentence tokenization) is 456 tokens, including words and punctuations.

As an example of string prediction:

import poetic

pred = poetic.Predictor()
result = pred.predict("Hi. I am poetic. Are you?")

The predict() method will return a Predictions object, which in turn supports post- processing, such as running diagnostics and saving results to file.

Prediction with Text Files

Plain text files are also supported. To load and predict a file, use the predict_file() method, and all preprocessing and the object returned will function exactly the same as the predict() method.

Under the hood, it loads the file into a single string, and it then calls the predict() method. For large files that can potentially exceed system RAM, it will be better to manually load the files and make predictions.

import poetic

pred = poetic.Predictor()
result = pred.predict_file("<PATH>")


The preprocessing toolchain consists of the following steps: tokenization, word ID conversion, lower-case conversion, and padding. The latter two steps are primarily for keras models while tokenization can apply to other NLP workflows. This sections documents some of the details and their supported usage.

One-step Preprocessing

To preprocess the input for the default model of poetic:

import poetic

pred = poetic.Predictor()
model_input = pred.preprocess("This is poetic. Isn't it?")

The preprocess() method returns a 2-d numpy array of tokenized word IDs that can be directly predicted using the keras model’s predict() method. However, the predictor’s predict() method does not support a preprocessed input: only raw input in strings are supported.


Tokenization is the process of separating a string input into tokens, which are units of texts that the algorithms support. The Predictor uses NLTK’s sent_tokenize() and word_tokenize() functions respectively to perform two-step tokenization: first, the string, regardless of length, is tokenized into complete sentences; then, each sentence is tokenized into words and punctuations.

The tokenize() methods can be used as a stand-alone function although it is not a proper classmethod for compatibility with the Predictions class.

As an example:

import poetic

pred = poetic.Predictor()
model_input = pred.tokenize("This is poetic. Isn't it?")

The output will be a 2-d nested list in the following format:

[['This', 'is', 'poetic', '.'], ['Is', "n't", 'it', '?']]


Padding is part of the preprocess() method, and it cannot be called seprately. It pads each tokenized input in accordance with the input shape of the default lexical model used, which is 456. There is not yet support to adjust the padding length in this release, and this is the reason why custom model support is very limited.

Under the hood, the tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences() method is called, and the default pre-padding is used. Given that the default lexical model uses an LSTM architechture, the pre-padding strategy makes sense. Currently, there is no support for other types of padding.

Word IDs

All tokens (mostly words, contractions, and punctuations after tokenized) are converted into word IDs, which are all postive int. By default, the gensim dictionary shipped by the package is used. However, if a custom dictionary is supplied at initialization of the Predictor, it will likely be incomptabile with the default model because models are specifically trained with one set of word IDs. Therefore, it is not recommended to use a custom dictionary.